HL7-Hellas and CCS relationship

HL7-Hellas and CCS relationship is close, for many decades. CCS involved in an early stage as a founding member of HL7 Hellas, to promote HL7 standards both within the Greek territory and in countries of South-Eastern Europe. HL7 Hellas is a non-profit affiliate of HL7 International, an organization that aims to spread reliable standards for healthcare data exchange. Helps to the management and integration of data related to patient clinical care as well as the evaluation and further development of the HL7 standard protocols.

Encourages the creation of flexible standards, guidelines, methodologies, protocols. Helps on any other related services and products,  based on those of the International Organisation. The main goal is to enable the interoperability of information systems in Health & Social Security. Supports both the preparation of studies and research for the exchange of patients medical records hospitalized in institutions that adopt these standards, as well as in communication. Finally, aims to continuously research for further development related to the improvement of the standards.


CCS is early involved to HL7 standard:

HL7-Hellas and CCS have a close relationship that started at a very early stage, before even the establishment of HL7 Hellas. CCS is a foundation member of HL7 Hellas Organization.